Axe Wellness


Important Details About Your Multivitamin Order


*Please Read*

Hello Smiles Davis!

We’re thrilled to see you ordered our Women's Organic Multivitamin. You’ve made a great decision.

This is one of our most-loved and best-selling products of all time — for good reason. When it comes ensuring you get the vital nutrients your body needs to thrive, there’s simply nothing better.

Unfortunately, our Organic Women’s Multivitamin has been so wildly popular, that we’ve completely sold out.

And, this affected your recent order.

While other companies would rush (at the expense of the quality and nutritional benefits), we will never do that.

To maintain the highest quality standards possible, we will be taking the time to produce, grow and process the real-food nutrients that make up this wonderful product.

Regrettably these means, we will be out of stock of this item until early summer of 2017.

We’re truly sorry for this delay. But rest assured, it was done with your best interest in mind. Here’s what we’ve done to make sure you still get the nutrients and vitamins you want:

OPTION 1: Swap out your multivitamin for ANY single supplement in our store

If you’d like to swap out your multivitamin for ANY single supplement in our story, reply to this email with the word REPLACE and the item you’d prefer.

Even though some items are a little more expensive, we’re happy to eat this additional cost for you. And we’ll get your item shipped to you as fast as possible.

OPTION 2: Cancel your order and get a refund

If you’d like to cancel your Women’s Multivitamin order and get a full refund, reply to this email with the word CANCEL.

Our #1 goal is to make sure you’re as happy as possible. So while we’d be sad to see you go, we’re happy to cancel your order provide you a full refund.

If you need any additional help with this order update, please contact our Customer Support Team at a time convenient for you here:

One more thing: As a valued customer, we’d like to extend you an exclusive 20% OFF coupon*. You can use it on your next order. Or save it for the next time multivitamins become available.

Simple use the discount code MyHealthy2017 at checkout.

Thank you!

The Dr. Axe Team