

We Stand Together

Dear Thrive Market Community,
The events of the last week in the wake of the senseless death of George Floyd have left all of us at Thrive Market feeling a rollercoaster of emotions, from grief to outrage. As a mission-based business, we’ve always had a zero-tolerance policy toward discrimination of any kind, in our company or with anyone we do business. But like many of you, we’ve been asking ourselves in recent days: How can we do more to combat systemic racism?
Today, I want to share with you where we're starting.
First things first, we're listening—to our employees, to all of you, and especially to our black Thrivers and members. In the last 24 hours, we've held a company-wide meeting focused 100% on what's needed and how we can support. We've crowdsourced hundreds of ideas from Thrive Market members on Instagram. And we've gotten feedback from our Black Thriver Resource Group on the highest impact frontline organizations to get behind.
From these conversations, Sasha, Gunnar, and I have decided to personally donate $50,000 as Thrive Market co-founders to the Black Lives Matter Fund, whose proceeds go entirely toward combating police brutality and systemic racism. As a company, we've also decided to support all Thrivers who are giving by matching every employee donation 2-to-1 to three organizations selected by our black Thrivers: Black Lives Matter, the Know Your Rights Legal Defense Fund, and the Atlanta Solidarity Fund.
Most importantly, we've committed to make these efforts the beginning of a deeper ongoing conversation as a company about topics like race, justice, and equality—not as part of a political agenda, but as a concrete commitment to being a place where courageous conversations are both allowed and encouraged.
We’re grateful to all of you who have participated in that conversation already by sharing your experiences and perspectives with us, and we’re especially grateful to all of our black Thrive Market team members for their insights and leadership during these very difficult days. Now more than ever, we can only thrive together.
4509 Glencoe Ave. Marina del Rey, CA
©2020 Thrive Market All Rights Reserved