

We’ve updated our Privacy Policy

We've updated our Privacy Policy

We've updated our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to support the growth of our products as well as upcoming changes to EU privacy law. There are a few updates we'd like to highlight for you:

  • New features: We’ve made updates to reflect products and features we've added to BookBub, such as recommendations, ads, and user profiles. User profiles are publicly visible and include information such as your username (or one we automatically created for you), authors and other users you’re following, and book reviews you’ve publicly shared on BookBub. Your profile can also include your name, if you’ve chosen to add one. You can control the information that is visible on your profile by adjusting your privacy settings.
  • GDPR: We've made updates to prepare for the General Data Protection Regulation, an upcoming EU data privacy law.
  • Spring cleaning: We've rewritten and reorganized our Privacy Policy to make it clearer, more accessible, and easier to navigate.

We hope these changes are helpful as we continue improving BookBub to make it even easier to discover great books you'll love. If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact us. Thank you for reading with BookBub!

- The BookBub Team